other businesses in your industry.
Excellent Examples of Comparative Advertising You’ll Notice , each of the advertisers highlighted below are big brands with big brand budgets. However, just because you don’t have the resources they do, doesn’t mean you can’t learn from what they’re doing. These ads (also from The common lesson across several different media) is that you can communicate value by asserting your advantage over.Mac vs. PC What better way to do that than with the most famous comparison B2B Email List advertising campaign of all time What about starting this list? For those who don't know, Apple used to promote their Mac computers by running a series of TV ads that personified Macs and PCs in very different ways - Macs were laid back and corporate charming, while the PC is dorky and bewildered.
In one of the ads shown above, the PC is infected with a virus, but the Mac is immune to it. While the PC sneezes, blows its nose, and finally passes out, the Mac ( Played by America's sweetheart Justin Long), he remains cool, calm, and collected. In addition to letting viewers know that Macs are immune to viruses, the ad also subtly implies that using a Mac is an easy way to feel cooler. 2.