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This will ensure a name is clear to a recipient whenit arrives in their inbox. You can also include a photograph so a person showsup instead of a logo like in this example from Dubsat. Dubsat email Dubsatemail Automation see this list of some top tools is also useful in personalizationas it can enable behavior-triggered emails. These are emails sent based on howcustomers interact with your products or services. Here’s an example fromSephora’s workflow to a customer reaction. Sephora trigger emails Sephoratrigger emailsWrite a Catchy Subject Line There’s no underestimating thepower of a perfect subject line in your email. It’s the first thing a personsees in their inbox so taking the time to write one that’s relevant andattention-grabbing is worthwhile. There are many ways to catch someone’sattention with a headline.Get personal as we mentioned above use a name in thesubject line or Find Your Mobile Number List refer to something that will resonate e.g. a past purchase orebook download Use humor People are more likely to open an email that makesthem smile or pique their curiosity. Don’t be afraid to use humor but make sureit’s something your audience will get. Include emojis People are used to usingemojis so include ones that are relevant or to emphasize your topic Usepowerful language Stay away from weak or cliched language. Look to includewords that excite or invite action. Hint at the content Your subject lineshould reflect the content of the email so don’t just use a headline because itworked last time. Make it relevant. Make people curious People hate to miss outso use that to your advantage in your email. Here’s a sneak preview subjectbelow to give you an example.
Email subject line example Email subject lineexample Here’s a more in-depth look at how to write an email if you need helpin that area. to really get creative with your contentideas.Audit and Clean your Email Lists You should already know about thedemise of third-party cookies on Google in and the introduction of Apple’s MailPrivacy Protection MPP. This has made the way you capture and use data evenmore important to ensure the protection of customer information. Email is aperfect example of that all-important first-party data source consensualinformation and you should do your best to protect that data. It’s important tolook at your database and clean it up.