As we were saying, these are just some of the reasons why it is very important for your business to define the specific objectives that you will have to pursue, giving yourself a deadline and allowing you to analyze strategic activities to understand if they are generating fruit. In all areas, in fact, it is necessary to have a precise destination in order to plan the entire journey carefully and then be able to enjoy the results achieved to the fullest which, obviously, do not fall from the sky, but must be planned. After this premise, all we have to do is find out how to set the objectives of your marketing strategy. the article or by watching our dedicated video, in: Why is it journey by talking about the before, that is, everything that precedes the drafting of the company objectives. In fact, it is a complex mechanism, which involves a before (outlining the company's dreams), a during (defining the concrete objectives) and an after (creating a strategy around the objectives).
All the information you collect will then be inserted into a , written in black and white, to allow you to achieve your set objectives. So what to do before defining goals? First of all, it is important to have already carried out the context analysis and the target analysis. In practice, you already have a complete overview of the entire world that revolves around your company: you know who your competitors are and how they work, you know which territory you are Iraq WhatsApp Number Data located in (try to imagine creating an innovative start-up in a mountain town inhabited by 600 people aged sixty and over… you can turn to. All you need to know is what direction you want to go in and whatdepartments. This is why you need to start setting goals. The first move in this context involves reminding yourself what the company's great ambition is. Without hesitation and without limits, what would you like to achieve from your business? How do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15 years? Brainstorm everything you want to accomplish, with your big dreams.

There will be time to be less concrete and utopian, breaking the path into several segments and trying to make your desires come true. For now, figure out what you want to achieve in the long-term future. In all of this, I would like to underline that it is important to give yourself non-superficial reasons: when you ask yourself why you want to get to a certain destination, don't simply answer "Because I want to make a lot of money!" or “Because I want to buy a Ferrari!”. It doesn't work like that: throughout the path that follows you will encounter countless difficulties and sometimes you will feel the desire to throw everything away. Only a well-rooted motivation will make you want to continue your journey! Once you've brainstormed all the big dreams you've designed for your business, try to sort them out. You can divide them according to: Priority. Commitment required. Financial impact. Seeing your ambitions written on a sheet of paper, even if it may seem banal, will help to encourage you and start to take a vision of what you want to do with your business.