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We might expect to see changes to policy or practice









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發表於 2024-2-24 15:32:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
At the most engaged level, what many would regard as ‘truly’ coproductive approaches have been tried in specific, partnered project grant calls, research institutes or long-standing research programmes such as the English NHS Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Care and Research; CLAHRCs  implying an equality of status between all co-researchers. Often, a financial contribution by the stakeholder is indicative of an authentic coproduction partnership. These coproductive approaches often include elements such as provision of opportunities to co-learn about research and substantive topics, to work iteratively over the lifespan of a project to co-steer the questions and direction of research.

Develop interpretations of data and implications of these together. However, there are very few eva Guangdong Mobile Number List luations of such approaches or projects, and existing evaluations often point to a “lack of hard evidence as to its impact on the quality of research” , p.  and a need to “determine best practices for engaging patients” , p. . We concur with these findings. As originally intended, coproduction referred to a significant shift of power from researchers or decision-makers to service users e.g. patients , , implying deeply embedded collaborative practices. However, it has come to refer to activities as diverse as consultation on topics, co-designing research questions, co-interpreting results and recommendations, and embedded or in-house researchers within policy or service delivery agencies .

These activities describe very different modes of interaction, and imply different practical resourcing needs, skills and processes, as well as outcomes. However, there is very limited evidence about the impact of each type of strategy , no consensus about the best theories to use to inform this work , and little knowledge as to which strategies will help achieve which aims. Yet, millions of pounds are invested into deliberative, coproductive, collaborative research processes, and to related initiatives supporting research uptake and research impact, without  looking at what works or  knowing the pros and cons of different approaches or  evaluating and monitoring these processes.population outcomes, to research practices or to research outputs, yet no evaluation of coproduction attempts to explore all the domains holistically , ; this matters, because coproduction is not free of risk or cost.

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