The design guidelines created in this way are used to create the underlying pages. The key is how detailed you can describe it. In the extreme, the ideal would be something so detailed that the project can proceed with a unified worldview even without a designer. 4. that can be reused within a project. We will summarize and organize the components that were created while creating the lower page using the design guidelines.
This is component library. The key is to create something while thinking, "What can I do to make the engineer's work easier?" It is directly related to the work efficiency of engineers. However, creating a library of components requires a certain amount Special Data of time and effort. If creating a library is expected to take a huge amount of time, we may decide not to create a design system. 5. Update from time to time It is important to instill the design system among project members.
It should be shared in advance, read before proceeding with the project, and kept as something to constantly return to as the work progresses. The ideal situation is for everyone involved in the project to have a common understanding. Even if you create a design system, it will have little meaning if the members don't see it. Finally I was able to learn how to create a design system and how to use it effectively.