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As a result of these dynamics, social problems are increasing









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發表於 2024-3-6 17:04:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
  Data shows that in the US in particular, one job in the digital economy creates up to eight jobs in the services sector.even in advanced economies. Risks of digitalization of the economy Risks of digitalization of the economy What can mitigate the risks of digitalization of the economy? Apparently, this should be a change in the relationship between business and government. This applies to both developed and developing countries. If, as a result of development, the profits of large technology companies increase, and the quality of employment begins to decrease, then the following solution arises - to increase the level of corporate taxes and increase social support for the country's population.

This should reach the level of global trends. Today's talk about  Australia WhatsApp Number Data a shorter work week or an unconditional basic income paints a utopian picture of an ideal world in which all the needs of citizens are met. But in reality, there is one main problem: in order to achieve a complete digital restructuring of the economy, huge investments are required that cannot come “from nowhere.” There is still time to build up competencies in the field of digitalization of the economy. When building a Russian digital economy strategy, it is necessary to take into account all available opportunities and risks.

Digitalization should become a condition for economic growth in every sector.Ergonomics of the workplace: productive work without fatigue leave a comment Save article: What is this? Workplace ergonomics is how comfortable you are in performing your work duties during the day without getting tired. In this case, the office can be located in a company building or at home - it doesn’t matter at all, the principles of creating convenience are the same. What is it for? Just think, the chair is a little uncomfortable and the surface of the table is a little higher than necessary - but it works fine.


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