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Emalsa carries out a pilot project for smart meters









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發表於 2024-3-12 14:27:21 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

Jesús Rey de Viñas García, technical and commercial director of the company, points out that subscribers will benefit from better consumption control. Go to download The Emalsa company, water supplier in the municipalities of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Brígida, has launched a remote reading or 'smart metering' pilot project that will allow water consumption to be measured remotely. According to the company's technical and commercial director, Jesús Rey de Viñas García, it is a system that includes a communication network and smart meters. These devices will allow up to twenty-four readings to be taken each day, compared to the current six annual readings. The expert points out that this possibility has been studied for more than twenty years, although to date they have not given the expected results due to technological deficiencies and high costs. Now, technologies are used, such as 5G and SIM cards, that make the installation of these devices easier and cheaper. In addition, they allow high security, due to their double authentication system, and the guarantee provided by data encryption.

Meters in the Port of Las Palmas area The pilot project will consist of the installation of 380 meters in the area of ​​the Port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which will allow the study of the viability of the different technology providers. These meters will give the subscriber greater control over their consumption and the possibility of making it more reasonable and efficient depending on different needs. In addition, they will be able to receive alerts on their mobile phones about excessive consumption or possible leaks. It provides Emalsa with WhatsApp Number List the possibility of knowing consumption patterns, locating leaks in the network and even detecting fraud. The constitution of the Central Atlantic Alliance opens the doors to the synergy of strategies between the Macaronesian regions Elba Bueno, manager of the Canary Islands Maritime Marine Cluster, highlights the benefits of the Smartblue_F project financed with Feder funds. Go to download On February 5, the Smartblue_F project born for the constitution of the Macaronesian maritime cluster was closed, and which has finally led to the constitution of the Central Atlantic Alliance between the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Azores.

The manager of the Canary Islands Maritime Marine Cluster, Elba Bueno, points out that the project has made it possible to carry out studies of the three regions and delve into the respective blue economy strategies in each of the regions. From now on, she points out, the way is being made to create joint strategies that can materialize in the constitution of a network of ecological ports, in the creation of structures for the permanent exchange of knowledge and the joint development of actions in this area. deformation. Elba Bueno points out that all actions are structured around the three great challenges of governance, innovation and internationalization. He considers that the starting point of the work should be the consultation of companies in the blue economy sector to know their needs, as well as involving the respective universities, “because these strategies cannot be carried out without the development of knowledge.” ”. SMARTBLUE_F The project Consolidation of the Central Atlantic Alliance for SME competitiveness of the blue economy, SMARTBLUE_F is financed by the second call of the INTERREG VA MAC Territorial Cooperation Program (Madeira-Azores-Canary Islands) 2014-2020, co-financed at 85% by the FEDER Fund.


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