to illegal room. The period of stay in an illegal room starts at days. out to work in the factory, nor can he have the opportunity to exercise in the outdoor space like other people, nor can he receive guests, eat, use the toilet, or take a shower. It can be solved in a small dormitory, but if there are other violations, the number of days will be extended. If you lose control of your emotions in the illegal room, you will be sent to a protection room with special walls. The prison will be empty and there is only a hole in the ground for using the toilet. It looks quite scary.
Not long after the confinement incident, another serious incident of torture and death of prisoners occurred in Kaohsiung in October . A prison administrator ordered four handymen inmates to escort an inmate surnamed Chen to a corner of the corridor where Special Database the monitors could not see him, and used lynching to beat and torture him. Chen was seriously injured and later died of his injuries. The two administrators also attempted to The court forged documents and records to destroy evidence. After many trials, the court sentenced the accomplices to prison terms ranging from to years.

The two administrators were sentenced to lighter and lighter sentences from June to March . The administrators sentence was commuted to three years and April after the first trial. In the Kaohsiung Prison torture and death incident, one of the prison administrators had his sentence reduced to years in April According to data from a visit in July, there are currently guards in Kaohsiung Prison during the day and at night. Nearly people have to manage more than , inmates, which is an extremely highpressure working