Gender: If you sell makeup, you don't want to spend money showing your business to men, right? It is possible to specify the gender, if that makes sense for your campaign. Age: If your audience has a well-defined age, such as if your company sold toys, it is possible to adjust that. Language: It allows you to establish contact with people who speak another language than the standard language of the selected region; immigrants, for example. Facebook Ads Although it is possible to make a more advanced campaign using resources such as relationship status or the person's education profile, you can also make this limitation according to the users' interests, which can help a lot in the effectiveness of your campaign.
By using this resource, you can speak directly to an audience with values Bahamas WhatsApp Number closer to those of your company and thus convert them much more easily. Paying attention to your segmentation is important. Showing the message to people who have no interest in your brand is a useless exercise. The goal is to be assertive! Use your creativity to reach new people. In the end, if you show your ads only to your friends and followers, you will not grow within the network. Facebook Ads can be a great opportunity to improve your company's image and help create an online reputation. Despite providing optimal results without requiring investment, Facebook strategies are much better if they are combined with Ads, to improve reach and engagement.

And you, do you already use Facebook Ads? Don't forget to download our free guide on the subject ! social media tips for beginners Nobody is born knowing and we were all already beginners in social networks. Werik Goncalves Jul , | min read But when I started, they were just hatching and proper training was not available. Nobody knew how they worked. Now more mature, we discover that the Internet and social networks have foundations. Look at these essential tips that are the starting point for you to use social networks correctly . Social networks .- MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHO YOU WANT TO CONQUER The first fundamental point is to understand how to attract customers with social networks: Who is your client? Who are you creating and sharing content for on social media.