In other words, controversial blog posts gets comment — negative and positive. User engagement gets a huge boost, and you can get some good discussion/debate on your post. People hate to be insulted or to have their ideals insulted which is why they will click if you insult them or go against one of their pet peeves. That’s also why websites like Click Here You Idiot trigger tons of traffic (go ahead and click it, I’ll wait).
Example: 11 Stupid Mistakes You’re Still Making at Work 10. The Timeless How-To It’s common knowledge Clean Email that searchers want solutions. People search the Internet for something because they want to solve a problem. More often than not, the solution to that problem is easily manifested in an old-fashioned how-to post. There’s a reason why sites like WikiHow and eHow were able to amass huge popularity. Example: How to Not Suck at Work — 11 Mistakes to Eliminate Right Away 11. people love reading about celebrities — particularly if you’re able to pull off a unique angle that the big-time publications haven’t caught on to yet.
Drop the name of a popular celebrity in your title, and you could well be looking at hordes of traffic from your next post. Even if you’re not in the celebrity niche, you can still name-drop well-known brands like what Marcus Taylor did with Deconstructing How Mashable, ProBlogger & KISSmetrics Reached Millions of Readers. Example: 11 Work Mistakes That Won’t Help You Get Hired by Facebook Wrapping Up Which of these tips is your favorite? What type of title will you be crafting for your next blog post? Let us know in the comments.